We're Here to Help
Comfort & Compassion
Losing a pet we love is often as difficult as losing a person to whom we have been close through the years. Remembering the years of love and care given our pets, and the lifetime of companionship and devotion returned, we cherish their memories long after their brief lives have ended. So when their lives are over, we want their final tribute to be as loving and dignified as possible. Louisiana Pet Crematory helps your family observe the grieving process we go through when we lose someone important to us. It is proper that we give some thought to our pet’s final arrangements.
You have several options when your pet passes, and you may want to talk about them with your veterinarian before the time comes.
Customer Experiences
Don’t take our word for it. We have helped countless pet owners around Acadiana in their time of need. These are just a few of their experiences.
Memorials & Keepsakes
Nothing can replace the loss of our beloved pets; however, we can commemorate their lives in beautiful and artistic expressions. Louisiana Pet Crematory partners with trusted vendors and local businesses to bring pet owners a variety of ways to memorialize their faithful companions.